The Open Park Program aims to compile all activities promoted inside the Azores Natural Parks, either by the Parks themselves, or by our Partners. Their goal is to design activities that would involve and suit the community as a whole, in order to raise awareness and unite efforts towards an increasingly eco-friendly and sustainable society.

COnsolidating Sea Turtle conservation in the Azores (COSTA) project aim to collect data on the incidental catches of sea turtles in the Azores through fisheries observers, collect biological and demographic data, revitalize, restructure and consolidate the longstanding tagging and sampling programs ran by the IMAR/DOP, promote best practices and reduce post-hooking mortality by providing information on safe handling and dehooking protocols to fishermen, and involve and stimulate local communities and tourists visiting the region to participate in conservation actions.

The MARCET project transfers and disseminates cutting-edge science and technology in order to promote growth and sustainable development of tourism directly and indirectly related to Whale Watching, through the creation of new eco-innovative products and services. In particular, specialist centres in the monitoring and tracking of the health of cetaceans and in operational oceanography will be brought together from across the Macaronesia region in order to integrate, harmonise and optimise knowledge, infrastructures and best practices in the region.

Monicet is a platform bringing together observations made by whale watching companies as they go about their daily business of taking people to see those magnificent and intriguing creatures. While catering for a pleasant experience for their clients, skippers and guides note the species observed, count the animals, and record their position. They also take pictures of particular features of the animals, such as the fluke of a diving sperm whale. On land this information is uploaded to a dedicated online database.

Kelp Marine Research is a research organization specialized in cetacean behavior and ecology. Central to their research lies the conservation of marine species and their habitat. Their research strategy is aimed at the discovery of natural patterns of behavior and ecology and how these are affected by current threats to marine life. To investigate pressing, multi-disciplinary questions on cetacean conservation and management, such as the effects of sound in marine ecosystems, KMR collaborates with international experts in marine sciences.

The Campaign takes place in the Azores since 1995 with the main goal of engaging people and organizations in the rescue of young Cory’s Shearwaters found along and in close proximity to the roads.